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Accelerating Innovation through Incubation

The organisation’s incubator serves as a catalyst for the non-profit sector, encouraging skilled and passionate leaders to address critical challenges faced by underprivileged individuals in the nation.

From Readiness to Listing: NGOs’ SSE Journey

SKI’s Capital for Impact Practice Area conducted a webinar focusing on the comprehensive process of registering and listing an NGO on the Social Stock Exchange (SSE), a significant milestone in accessing capital within the impact ecosystem. The session, titled ‘From Readiness to Listing: NGOs’ SSE Journey,’ was facilitated and moderated

Touchpoint Highlights: Social Stock Exchange as a Catalyst in the Impact Ecosystem

The ninth webinar in the SKI Touchpoint series, conducted by the Capital for Impact Practice Area, delved into the topic of ‘Social Stock Exchange as a Catalyst in the Impact Ecosystem: What Lies Ahead?’. The session, facilitated and moderated by Lekhya Reddy, Engagement Manager and Lead of the Capital for Impact Practice Area, in collaboration

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