Digital Platforms and their Impact on the Social Sector
By: Abhishek Modi and Anagha Wankhede
In merely eight months, over half of the adult Indian population has been vaccinated against Coronavirus, in a process facilitated by the CoWIN platform – a repurposed version of the electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN). It is an excellent example of how existing digital resources can be scaled up to address societal issues.
There are encouraging trends among social sector enterprises that are using open digital ecosystems to their advantage, enabled (among other factors) by large-scale digitisation of public data, pre-existing digital building blocks and increased visibility of impact. The strength of digital platforms is evident from the fact that seven out of the top 10 global companies are based on a platform business model. Tech-based, impact-focused initiatives have been observed to attract greater investment and philanthropic funding in India. There is a strong case to be made, therefore, for greater adoption of digital platforms by social sector enterprises.
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Sattva has been working with various non-profits and social organisations as well as corporate clients to help them define their social impact goals. Our focus is to solve critical problems and find scalable solutions. We assist organisations in formulating their long-term social impact strategy by strategically aligning with business to provide meaningful solutions to social issues.
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