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Decoding Systemic Challenges of Women in Agriculture ft. Ireena Vittal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwvXVrS8s7A            The recent interim budget focused on how to enable women farmers, looking at how they can be raised up along with other smallholder farmers across India. Today, in certain key agricultural value chains like sugarcane, women make up 50% of the workforce. Yet their

Touchpoint Highlights: Girls in STEM

The eighth session in the SKI Touchpoint series was conducted by the Education Practice Area, on the theme of ‘Girls in STEM: Redefining Future Possibilities’. The session was moderated by Dr Shweta Gaur, Engagement Manager, Education Practice Area of SKI, with Dr. Sandhya Gupta, Founder of Aavishkaar Center as the chief discussant. The session touched

Accelerating Financial Inclusion for Women’s SHGs with Account Aggregators

The emergence of Digital Public Infrastructure like Account Aggregators (AA) paves the way for financial inclusion of many underserved communities in India. It has the potential to empower millions of customers to digitally access and share their financial data across institutions, resulting in the creation of their digital financial identity. 

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