Five non-traditional themes CSR can invest in to maximise social returns
– By the Sattva CSR Advisory team
Every year in February and March, we at Sattva are inundated with requests from corporates. Most corporates are looking for a two-pronged outcome simultaneously: ensure CSR compliance and invest in impactful projects. As an advisory firm, our recommendations to our clients are rooted in maximising impact and designing programmes that address critical problems, while ensuring compliance with the CSR law and alignment with their brand values.
Since the inception of the CSR law, education and healthcare have been the biggest beneficiaries of CSR funding – receiving around 65% of the pie. However, for corporates looking for important and some non-traditional issues to solve for through their CSR funding and strategy, here is a set of curated ideas along with some of the work Sattva is currently involved in.
1. Tackle various aspects of India’s looming environmental crisis
2. Unlock livelihoods for one of the most marginalized communities in India, the LGBTQ
3. Strengthen the base of India’s economy: Agricultural systems
4. Support entrepreneurship with a focus on women
5. Invest in holistic development of youth through sports
Read the full article here.
Sattva has been working with various corporate clients to help them define their social impact goals and maximise the return on social investment. Our focus is to solve critical problems and find scalable solutions. We assist companies in formulating their long-term CSR strategy by strategically aligning with business to provide meaningful solutions to social issues. We look at short-term, medium-term and long-term outcomes while designing programmes. It is our endeavour to unlock the maximum return on investment for our clients. If you would like to know more about our programmes, please do write to us at