After having donned multiple hats of being development activist, leadership trainer, policy advocate, civil society campaigner, anti-corruption investigator, academician and a researcher at various points in time, Dr. Balu makes a compelling case for “compassionate curiosity” in this book. His extensive work, knowledge and passion for anything grassroots over three decades is reflected in this book. He talks about the importance of examining the finer nuances of development through a holistic lens and draws inspiration from his work centred around Mysore and its neighbouring villages.
This book takes the reader through the idea of good governance while shedding light on citizen engagement and the sheer power it holds to transform the world. His experience with leading robust civic society campaigns against corruption corroborates with his idea of understanding, strengthening and sustaining an active sense of democratic participation among the people of the country. He also briefly uses his on-the-ground experiences to carefully engage with the larger concept of policy making and its philosophical tangents. The book contains a great degree of narrative appeal, where it focuses on building a one-on-one discourse with the reader which hinges on thought provoking perspectives on the relationship shared between holistic development and citizen engagement.
Sattva has been working with various non-profits and social organisations as well as corporate clients to help them define their social impact goals. Our focus is to solve critical problems and find scalable solutions. We assist organisations in formulating their long-term social impact strategy by strategically aligning with business to provide meaningful solutions to social issues.
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