Sonam Angmo

Senior Engagement Manager - Non-profit Advisory

Sonam Angmo brings over 9+ years of holistic work experience in the social impact sector.

As a Senior Engagement Manager, Sonam leads the North Region for the Non-Profit Advisory arm at Sattva, where she is responsible for the design and execution of both strategy and implementation engagements with key Non Profits in the ecosystem. 

Sonam brings a rounded experience of the sector with her years of collaboration across stakeholders, including social enterprises, corporations, foundations and non-profits across the value chain of program design to strategy and execution to impact assessment.  More recently, she has been focusing on developing the fundraising capabilities of non profits through strategic engagements in the ecosystem.

At Sattva, Sonam also played a key role in setting up a National-level Social Impact Innovation platform as well as designing a Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) diagnostic framework that was successfully replicated across 50+ FPOs in the ecosystem.

Prior to Sattva, Sonam worked with a CSR foundation in the space of maternal and child healthcare in Gujarat with a focus on malnutrition. She worked on the development of a Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) diagnostic framework that was replicated across 50+ FPOs in the ecosystem. Sonam holds a Bachelor’s in Commerce (Honours) degree from Delhi University. She also earned a Masters Degree in Rural Management from the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA) in 2015.

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